Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Heading North


We left Trinidad on November 1st and started our journey back home to Maryland minus the anticipation and wonderment of the adventure south.  However, we determined to keep this trip fresh by stopping in areas that we either had not seen previously and to those that we particularly enjoyed.
So, our first stop was Le Phare Bleu in Granada where we checked in to customs and immigration, took really steamy (humidity kind) showers in their lighthouse ship and again and enjoyed their lovely restaurant for lunch.  We spent two days there and then headed to Mt. Hartman Bay, where we anchored and dinghed into the Secret Cove Marina.  There, we again found George, (the taxi driver from the last visit) and hired him to take us on a tour of the island.  Our first stop was to anther magical waterfall.  Then we headed to two chocolate factories where Cliff found 75% chocolate and surprise, surprise, he is now a chocolate lover of sorts!  
Just one more beautiful waterfall
Next stop was lunch at Belmont Plantation where it rained too hard to wander around its pretty grounds and then thanks to George, we toured areas of the island we had not seen previously.
Ladies with colorful headdress posing with George, our tour guide!
as well as another rum tour to Clarkes Court Rum Distillery where Cliff replenished his rum “collection and I bought very cute Granada decorations for my children.

While in Grenada, we took advantage of some of the Cruiser’ favorite activities as playing bingo with the locals who hope to win a live pig for the grand prize.  Slow Dancing and the crew of Living Life, (a catamaran) joined us for the “games”.  Dave and his wife Janice on Living Life are a younger couple who for some very strange reason really wanted to win that pig.  Puzzling that it was, after talking to Dave for a while, it suddenly became clear to me as Dave is from Arbutus, MD, a few short miles from my home in Baltimore. Guess lots of Baltimorean’s like pigs???????:) Also, for my birthday, Cliff took me back to the Aquarium Restaurant for dinner and we had a lovely celebration.  


We checked out Tyrell Bay and then took taxi with Robert to Hillsborough and so enjoyed watching Robert flirt with one of his passengers…He definitely had style and was quite impressive with his approach.  He dropped us off in the town and promised to pick us up in a couple of hours. We roamed around, had lunch at a new hotel facing the water, went to a popular bakers and were very impressed with the cleanliness of the cute little town.
On the way back to the boat in Robert’s cab, a lady and her 8 or 9 year son were already in the cab and Robert explained that he had to take them home first if that was all right with us.  Turns out, that the woman and the boy were his wife and son and that Robert had fathered 19 children by more than one wife.  He actually gave us a phone number of one of his daughters who lives in Silver Spring, Maryland.
The next stop, he picked up a young woman named Christina who remembered us from 5 months ago at a restaurant where she was waitressing.

Petite Martinique

This is one of the places that we said we would like to visit on the way back. Since it was so close to Carriacou, we thought we would stop.  We picked up a mooring and went to a little back yard restaurant for both lunch and dinner.  Waitress was delightful and the town though very small, was pretty

St Vincent and the Grenadines

We left for Clifton on Union Island, 11/18/2015, where to check in, we had to walk to the airport. Found tomatoes in the outside vendors square and enjoyed sun downers in the Bougainvillea resort that has a cute little dinghy dock entered by going under a Venetian like bridge to an enclosed and sheltered area.  Went to dinner at the famous?? Barracuda’s where we had a fantastic pizza and wine. The next day, we dinghied over to Happy Island, a really cute bar in the middle of a reef. This Island was created by a man named Janti who built it by hand.  He served in the office of tourism and tried to clean up the island especially the conch shells left on shore by fisherman.  He solved the problem by using the conch shells to build his own island where one can snorkel by day and have sun downers at night.  It has a great dinghy dock, is very informal and a wonderful spot to view the sunsets.
Happy Island

Tobago Cay

Because we enjoyed it so much the last time, we set out for Tobago Cay again to enjoy its scenery and charm.  We arrived on November 18 and spent a lazy day reading.  The next day, we dropped the dinghy and explored the area again. Our plan was to go to the beautiful beach and swim but while on the beach, numerous blow fish and two skate showed up and we thought better of it.  Swimming with Dolphins, yes, skate??? Not so much.  While there, we noted several locals hanging out, one in a hammock.  I asked him if he had seen Simon (Cliff spotted his boat earlier).  He replied that he was Simon and just like on our last visit, soft talked us into another dinner on the beach.  This time with perfectly cooked lobster. And just like last time, a beautiful evening on the beach.


November 20, arrived in Mayreau mid-morning. We dinghied in to the town dock and started walking up a very steep hill to see the town. On the way up, we met John, who was Mayreau’s Justice of the Peace. He stopped us on the way to introduce himself and find out where we were from.  When he discovered we were from Maryland, he went into the history of the state and recited 15 minutes worth of its history.  Which included facts that I (a born and raised Marylander was unaware).He said that he studied it in school (part of the British Heritage)
Cliff posing with John, Justice of Peace and Maryland Historian
Soon after, I stopped by an outside stand where an older lady was selling jewelry and she told us to walk up to the church for a beautiful view.  First we stopped at Dennis’s to refresh ourselves from the long walk and decided to go back for dinner based on the interesting menu.
Walking further up, we were hailed by a man named Robert who took us on a tour of his self- built restaurant that was posing for picture taking. 
Robert's creation
Robert didn’t serve lunch so we walked up the hill further to the Catholic Church and the beautiful overlook of Tobago Cay.

We finally stopped for lunch at the Combination Inn where we met Roger and Lynn, fellow boaters from Seattle Washington.

We ate lunch together and talked of the highlights of our trips and agreed that we would probably meet in Bequia in another couple of days.

Next Bequia and other islands North