Well, I am happy to say once again I am on my way to a new adventure. I left the Corsica River at 0945 this morning (Monday, Oct 17) on the start of another adventure after a winter in Baltimore recovering from a heart attack I incurred about 3 days before I was to leave for the Bahamas last fall. After the doctors and I fought for several days, they won, and I agreed to stay I Baltimore so they could keep an eye on me. Boy, was it cold last winter. No way was I going to go through that again this winter. You have no idea how relieved I was when, at my September doctors appointment, they gave the go ahead to head south for the winter. So here we go!
I left the Corsica, sailed down the Chester River into Chesapeake Bay, under the Bay bridge, and into a nice snug harbor at Galesville, Maryland for my first night of peace and relaxation. It was a relatively warm day, with only light wind, so motored or motor sailed most of the way. The photo above is of Thomas Point Light. While sailing in the Chesapeake Bay waiting for my time to leave the Bay (for insurance purposes) (about October 26) I plan to visit the Solomons, Onancock, Reedville, Deltaville, and Norfolk prior to heading south.
I will try to send updates at least twice a week to keep you informed on my status and health. I also look forward to your comments on my trip and information on how things are going in your lives, so please e-mail me periodically. I will have daily access until I cross to the Bahamas, then I should be able to pick up, and send, e-mail about once a week, as I plan to be moving about the many islands of the Bahamas more than I did two years ago.
Wish me luck!
Cliff Baker