Several of you have asked me questions about my life aboard Navigator in the Bahamas. Here are my answers:
Question: How cheap is rum in the islands?
Answer: Very, thank you.
Question: Is beef expensive?
Answer: Beef is about 15-25% higher than in the states, but it is not as good (not that it is bad, just not as good).
Question: Have you played the steel drums yet?
Answer: I haven't played the steel drums since I was a sophomore in high school!
Question: How do you wash your laundry?
Answer: I do underwear and Tshirts in the sink and hang them on a line to dry.
Sheets and towels are too large to do on the boat, so I have to take them to
a Laundromat. Costs $2 for a wash, and $.25 for minutes of drying time.
Drying is expensive.
Question: Can you access the Internet from your laptop on the boat, or do you
have to go someplace and pay for Internet access?
Answer: Depending on where I am, I can do it on the boat sometimes. It is pretty
iffy though. Today, I could not get in this morning, but had a great signal
this afternoon. Go figure. I am getting a booster antenna for my wifi, so
hopefully that will help and I will have better reception most of the time.
Keep your questions coming!
S/V Navigator