Monday, October 19, 2009

The Chesapeake

After the long run to the Solomons from the Corsica River, I made 3 shorter hops. First to St. Mary’s River to see Historic St. Mary’s City. I was able to tie up at St. Mary’s College dock for a few hours and walk around the historic rebuilding of what they believe the first colonial capital of Maryland looked like. Unfortunately it was closed, but I could still walk around the outside. It was quite interesting, sort of like Jamestown. Certainly nothing as extravagant as Colonial Williamsburg, but still interesting. The period was mid 1600s to very early 1700s, when the capital moved to Annapolis, Maryland. The next day I went to the fishing town of Reedville, Maryland for the night. Lots of very large fishing boats, mostly after herring in the Bay. Very small town, but they had a nice fishing museum. Thursday, I did a slightly longer run to Deltaville, Virginia. I haven’t had the boat out of Maryland since the last time I went to Tangier Island, Virginia, about 8 years ago. Deltaville is primarily a boating community, with a few commercial watermen doing mostly crabbing. Lots of marina’s and pleasure boats. Not much of a town, what there is spread out over 6 miles of road that mostly contains houses. Thursday I took a long walk to find a grocery store, and after 2 hours of walking, still hadn’t found one. So, Friday, today, I took my bike ashore and rode further than I walked yesterday, and found the grocery store and got some fresh bread, lettuce, and orange juice. It was good to get the exercise of walking and biking again.

Next stop will probably be Norfolk if the wind dies down on Sunday. It is supposed to be blowing 20 knots Saturday, with gusts to 30, so I will stay put for another day, and try to head out Sunday.

I would like to thank all the people who have expressed interest in my adventure. I will try to keep you updated as best I can (which means, hopefully, at least once a week).